Oxford Business English Dictionary for learners of English with CD-ROM

A new up-to-date Business English dictionary, that gives learners all the help and information they need to do business in English. Contains illustrations and diagrams which explain business concepts such as decision-making. This dictionary features notes which help to build vocabulary, and explain the difference between words that are often confused and give information on aspects of business. The accompanying CD-ROM provides exercises to prepare for Business English exams.

Имя атрибута 1: Год издания:

Имя атрибута 2: Серия:

Имя атрибута 3: Страна происхождения:

Имя атрибута 4: Тип продукта:

Значение(-я) аттрибута(-ов) 5: (B1/С1) Intermediate - Advanced

Имя атрибута 6: Возраст:

Имя атрибута 7: Язык: